September 2016

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When selecting a wall color, consider the mood of a room. In a bedroom do you want the feeling to be restful and soothing or dramatic and intimate? Soft, cool colors and neutrals usually create a quieter feeling while stronger colors are for drama and to create energy.

To make or break a first impression on your investment property be sure to paint your property accordingly.  But that doesn’t mean that you should paint your home the “traditional buffy real estate biege.”  If your cottage home is seaside, be sure to look around and paint your property with the traditional colors of that style of home.  If you have a southwestern adobe home, paint it in warmer neutrals to brighter colors of the southwest.

Dare to be different.  But not a sore thumb in the neighborhood.  Make sure your paint color is definitely different from your neighbors on either side of you.  That way your house can stand on it’s own two feet and be noticed.

Keep your paint scheme simple and complentary.  Minumum of two (body and trim) to no more than three colors (body, trim, windows, chimney).