January 2012

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I think JJ and I have slid sideward into 2012, are heads are still spinning and our work schedule still hectic as we try to get caught up on our personal home life, personal projects, and get our taxes in order for the company.  Oh yeah, the “Tax Man Cometh!” –OK, think positive on this—- we had another good year, just wish I could actually touch what I made without Uncle Sam grabbing the 35 -45% of it out of my hand!

We had a great class up in Merriam, KS for the Wealth Rock Alumni on “The Other Side to Flipping/Renting.”  I am thrilled that folks really enjoyed the presentation and had a wonderful time.  This is such important information that most real estate investing courses never cover.

Over the years that JJ and I have been flipping, selling, and renting we have always been asked how it is that we sell or rent so quickly with our properties.  At the time, we had never given it that much thought until one day, about 2 years ago, someone had asked us to give a presentation on what we do that they weren’t doing right.

We had found that several of our investor acquaintances did wonderful rehabbing work, but then either ignored or didn’t think it was important to correct a few things that kept the house from selling.  We also noted, that they didn’t look or know their market area much less their neighbors to the home that they were working in. 

So it is extremely important to think outside the box (your investment property and numbers) and outside of yourself (your tastes and likes) and pay attention to who and what your potential clients are going to be looking for in a home. 

Real Estate investing isn’t just about investing in property.  It is servicing people!  It’s about serving others!  Whether it is providing updated and fixed up homes to sell, or when you rent your property, its about how much service you are willing to give them throughout their tenure, such as including trash service, 24/7 hour maintenance, up-selling new appliances in the homes, or even providing concierge services on some of your upper end properties.  People, your potential clients, will be happy to pay extra for these amenities!  But you as the investor and owner, must follow through with your word.  You must walk the talk.

In the end, its not the properties you invest in that make you money, it’s the people you service that make you money.  You are filling a need and providing a service.  You are a servant to the public. —–Now, if we could get our Congress to think in that manner…….

Crissy and JJ