December 2010

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!  Good grief, where did the weeks go?  But I am looking forward too.  I’m excited about a fresh new start, though many have warned us of more hard times to come.  We have had a sense of general ease and calmness that JJ and I haven’t felt in about a year.  I believe it is more or less that we have made it together and have survived another trial and came out OK.  We still have good health, a roof over our heads, food on our table, clothes on our backs, and have new friends and increased our ‘family.’

JJ and I have been ‘adopted’ by another family down the street along with another cat who has just arrived and decided that us and our three existing “furred children” are terrific playmates.  There is nothing like the warmth of good friends and family to share the wealth, the good times, and to count our blessings.

We have begun our winding down process, in that the paperwork is just now getting ready for closeout and for tax season, our tools are getting cleaned and sharpened for the next job, and most of all cleaning and de-cluttering has commenced.  It’s time to begin anew.  To make changes as we look back over the past year and decide what we have learned from our experiences, good or bad, and begin to make our life course corrections to get us back on our path to whatever our heart’s desire.

But when you make those corrections, be sure to take your friends and family, have enough time and food, and plenty of water on your journey—because thirst can become a very dangerous thing in your endeavors.


Crissy and Johnny