One of the first things that my wife, Cristi, does to our rehab projects whether it is a flip sell home or a rental that we will be holding, is to paint a high gloss rectangular shape patch at the curb with high gloss black numbers big enough for a driver driving about 25 to 30mph can read easily enough to find your property. And this number just isn’t for the pizza guys, your first time visitors to the property, or for your prospective buyers/renters.
These curb numbers on the vertical part of your property’s curb should be big and clear enough to read for those emergency workers such as ambulance drivers, firefighters, and police should there be an emergency. This is the number one reason she does this to each of our properties. Not only painting these numbers on the curb shows that you care about your property but for the folks that will be living there too. It also helps with a well maintained curb appeal. To boot, she found that it even lowers our insurance costs on the property.
So, for roughly $6 in spray paint (another one time fee for 4 to 6″ re-usable number cut outs of about $5) you can cut your costs on insurance by over $100 a year, spruce up your curb appeal, make it easier for you to be found for pizza deliveries and emergency workers on all your properties.
Last the maintenance on those numbers is minimal. About every 2 to 3 years, she goes back out to repaint or paint pen touch up on the numbers and background. —— JOHNNY